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Kim Sean Hay
Built environment, Building service engineering, Building simulations, BIM, Building system audits and controls
Yonsei University, B.S. in Arch. Eng. (1998)
Yonsei University, M.S. in Arch. Eng. (2000)
Carnegie Mellon University, Master of Science (2006)
Georgia Institute of Technology, Ph.D. (2011)
Subject Matter Expert (SME) - Building Energy Analyst, Autodesk, Inc., San Francisco, CA, Oct. 2011 – Feb. 2014

Intern Researcher, SIEMENS Corporate Research, U.S., Princeton, NJ, Aug. 2008 – May 2009

Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Aug 2006 – Aug 2011
- Stand-alone Micro Power Grid, Jan. 2010 – Jun. 2011
- BIM-Enabled Design Guides, May 2008 – Aug. 2008
- Healthcare Design Web, Aug. 2006 – May 2008

Research Assistant, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, Aug 2003 – May 2006
- Assessment of Physical and Computational Airflow Analysis and Evaluation Tools for Building Design, Oct. 2005 – Dec. 2005
- Energy Modeling Tools Assessment for Early Design Phase, Mar. 2004 – Dec. 2004
- WorkPlace 2020/National Environment Assessment Toolkit, Jan. 2004 – May 2006

Systems Engineer, LG CNS, Seoul, Korea, Jul. 2000 – Jun. 2003

Architectural Designer, Dongwoo architects and consultants, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 2000 – Jun. 2000
Research Areas
Building performance analysis, Building supervisory controls, Building system audits, Building Information Modeling
Thermodynamics, Smart Building, Built environment engineering
Journal Papers
Kim, S. H. and G. Augenbroe (2012). "Using the National Digital Forecast Database for Model-based Building Controls." Automation in Construction 27(0): 170-182. (SCIE)
Kim, S. H. and G. Augenbroe (2013) "Decision Support for Choosing Ventilation Operation Strategy in Hospital Isolation Rooms: A Multi-criterion Assessment under Uncertainty." Building and Environment 60(0): 305-318. (SCIE)
Kim, S. H. (2013) "Building Demand-side Control using Thermal Energy Storage under Uncertainty: An Adaptive Multiple Model-based Predictive Control (MMPC) Approach.” Building and Environment 67(0): 111-128. (SCIE)
Kim, S. H.(2013) "An Evaluation of Robust Controls for Passive Building Thermal Mass and Mechanical Thermal Energy Storage under Uncertainty.” Applied Energy 111(0): 602-623 (SCI)
Kim, S. H. and G. Augenbroe (2013) " Uncertainty in Developing Supervisory Demand-side Controls in Buildings: A Framework and Guidance.” Automation in Construction 35(0): 28-43 (SCIE)
◾ Geothermal Heat Pump System that Controls Ground Loop Flow Rate and EWT Using Ground Loop Buffer Tank and Inverter Pump, Korean Journal of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Eng., vol.35 No.8 pp.412~420, 2023김선혜
◾ Analysis of Building Retrofit, Ventilation, and Filtration Measures for Indoor Air Quality in a Real School Context: A Case Study in Korea, BUILDINGS, vol.13 No.4, 2023김선혜
◾ Energy Performance Comparisons between Building Energy Efficiency Rating and LEED for Identical Energy Efficiency Measures, AIK Journal, vol.38 No.11 pp.269~277, 2022김선혜
◾ Preparation of an Indoor Air Quality Baseline Model for School Retrofitting Using Automated and Semi-Automated Calibrations: The Case Study in South Korea, BUILDINGS, vol.12 No.9, 2022김선혜
◾ Selection of a Transparent Meta-Model Algorithm for Feasibility Analysis Stage of Energy Efficient Building Design: Clustering vs. Tree, ENERGIES, vol.15 No.18, 2022김선혜
◾ Configuration of Modeling Template to Produce Building MEP Shop Drawings based on BIM, SAREK Journal, vol.34 No.9 pp.426~436, 2022김선혜
◾ Selection of retrofit measures for reasonable energy and hygrothermal performances of modern heritage building under dry cold and hot humid climate:A case of modern heritage school in Korea, CASE STUDIES IN THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol.36, 2022김선혜
◾ Alteration of Supply and Exhaust Diffusers in a Negative Pressure Operating Room to Prevent Secondary Infection of Surgical Team, Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.38 No.4 pp.189~197, 2022김선혜
◾ A Case Study of National Indoor Air Certification for Multi-purpose Facility, and Suggestions for Improvement, KIEAE Journal, vol.22 No.2 pp.63~68, 2022김선혜
◾ Interstitial hygrothermal analysis for retrofitting exterior concrete wall of modern heritage building in Korea, Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol.16, 2021김선혜
◾ A Suggestion on BIM Mechanical Design Process and Level of Modeling Detail, Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering, vol.33 No.9 pp.476~483, 2021김선혜
◾ Development of Residential Use Profile by Single Young Adults and Energy Saving Plans for Them, Joural of Architectural Institute of Korea, vol.37 No.6 pp.169~177, 2021김선혜
◾ Prediction Model of Indoor Temperature Distribution for Optimal Control of Building Energy, 설비공학 논문집, vol.33 No.3 pp.130~141, 2021김선혜
◾ Economic Analysis of Integrated Ground Source Heat Pumps on a Shared Ground Loop, Energies, vol.13 No.11, 2020김선혜
◾ 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집의 연구경향 분석 - 최근 10년간 기고논문을 중심으로 -, KIEAE Journal, vol.20 No.3 pp.27~32, 2020김선혜
◾ Can both the Economic Value and Energy Performance of Small- and Mid-sized Buildings be satisfied? Development of a Design Expert System in the context of Korea, Sustainability, 2020김선혜
◾ Measurement and Veirification of Integrated Ground Source Heat Pumps on a Shared Ground Loop, Energies, 2020김선혜
Conference Papers
Kim, S. H. and G. Augenbroe (2009) “Ventilation Operation in Hospital Isolation Rooms: A Multi-criterion Assessment Considering Organizational Behaviors”, IBPSA 2009
Kim, S. H., G. Augenbroe and Yoon, D. W.(2009) “Ventilation Operation in Hospital Isolation Rooms: A Multi-criteria Performance Assessment”, Roomvent 2009
Godfried Augenbroe, Jason Brown, YeonSook Heo, Sean Hay Kim, Zhengwei Li, Scott McManus, and Fei Zhao (2008) “Lessons from an advanced building simulation course”, SimBuild 2008
KP Lam, Kim, S.H., P Satwiko, J Jennings, J Cole (2006) “Assessment of the Effects of Environmental Factors on Air Flow In and Around Buildings”, PLEA 2006
KP Lam, Kim, S.H., P Satwiko (2006) “Comparative Assessment of Physical and Computational Airflow Evaluation Tools for Natural Ventilation Design in Buildings”, SimBuild 2006
Kim, S. H., V. Srivastava, A.Aziz (2005) “EnviroDB: Applied Database Systems Design For the National Environment Assessment Toolkit (NEAT)”, ICEBO 2005
◾ 김보성, 강문권, 김성훈, 김선혜, A Space Topology Model for Quick and Accurate Building Heating and Cooling Peak Load Calculations during Feasibility Analysis Phase, 대한설비공학회 동계학술대회, 한국과학기술회관, 2023김선혜
◾ 김현우, 김선혜, 정예슬, Measurement of the Effective Leakage Areas of Barrier-free Certified Daycare Classrooms, 대한설비공학회 동계학술대회, 한국과학기술회관, 2023김선혜
◾ 정동훈, 김선혜, Analysis of Energy Production and Gas Use over Years for Fuel Cell Systems in University, 대한설비공학회 하계학술대회, 용평리조트, 2023김선혜
◾ 오명석, 김선혜, Measurement of Airflow Rate of Actual FCUs in Office and their Analysis, 대한설비공학회 하계학술대회, 용평리조트, 2023김선혜
◾ 정진웅, 김선혜, Comparison of Residential Building Services between Korean and U.S. Military Housings: Focusing on Family Housing and Barracks, 대한설비공학회 하계학술대회, 용평리조트, 2023김선혜
◾ 정예슬, 김선혜, 대표층 개수에 따른 고층건물 에너지 모델의 냉난방부하 분석, 대한설비공학회 동계학술대회, 한국과학기술회관, 2022김선혜
◾ 이정아, 김선혜, 연기감지기 최적 배치를 위한 베이지안 네트워크 기반 확률론적 연기 분포 네트워크 모델, 대한설비공학회 동계학숧대회, 한국과학기술회관, 2022김선혜
◾ Jungah Lee, Sean Hay Kim, Bayesian Network-Based Probabilistic Approach for Optimal Placement of Fire Detectors for Fire Safety Performance Based Design, 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild, Chicago Hilton Hotel, 2022김선혜
◾ 오명석, 김선혜, 광역상수열을 활용하는 수열원 히트펌프 유닛의 인증조건 제안, 대한설비공학회 하계학술대회, 평창 피니스파크, 2022김선혜
◾ 박문기, 김선혜, BAS 2.0: 중규모 기축 건물을 위한 BEMS, 대한설비공학회 하계학술대회, 평창 피닉스리조트, 2022김선혜
◾ 정예슬, 김선혜, 공조기와 열원설비의 에너지플러스 출력값과 실측값 비교분석, 대한설비공학회 동계학술발표회 논문집, 세종대학교, 2021김선혜
◾ 성호진, 김선혜, 교실 공기환경 시뮬레이션 모델의 베이스라인 구축, 대한설비공학회 동계학술발표회 논문집, 세종대학교, 2021김선혜
◾ 이정아 ,김선혜, 김지민, 감염자의 마스크 종류와 전열교환기 풍량에 따른 어린이집 재실자의 에어로졸 노출량 비교 분석, 대한설비공학회 학술대회 논문집, 강원도 평창, 2021김선혜
◾ 최승연, 박영수, 김선혜, 기상데이터 회귀분석을 이용한 빙축열 시스템의 일일 방냉량 추정, 대한설비공학회 학술대회 논문집, 강원도 평창, 2021김선혜
◾ 김보라, 김선혜, 에너지 절감과 건축물 웰빙 증진을 위한 주광 도입과 조명에너지 요구량 계산방법, 대한설비공학회 학술논문집, 강원도 평창, 2021김선혜
◾ 김보라, 김선혜, 청년층의 특성을 반영한 1인 가구의 에너지요구량 분석, 대한설비공학회 동계학술발표회 논문집, 고뎌대학교, 2020김선혜
◾ 성호진, 이건희, 신희강, 김선혜, 교실 공기 환경 데이터를 사용한 CONTAM 모델 보정, 대한설비공학회 동계학술발표회 논문집, 고려대학교, 2020김선혜
◾ 채예나, 정예슬, 김선혜, 외벽 및 냉난방기 개보수시 근대 건축물 벽체 및 실내 환경의 습열 성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구, 대한설비공학회 동계학술발표회 논문집, 고려대학교, 2020김선혜
◾ 채예나, 김선혜, 단열재 종류 및 방습층 유무에 따른 벽체 습열 성능 및 곰팡이 성장 위험성 분석, 대한설비공학회 2020년도 하계학술발표대회 논문집, 강원도 평창, 2020김선혜
◾ 이여경, 김선혜, 김영일, Analysis of G-SEED Certification System Interior Environment Items for Improvement of Indoor Air Quality in Office Space, 대한설비공학회 동계학술대회 발표논문집, 고려대학교, 2019김선혜
◾ 신승섭, 김선혜, 김영일, Assessment of Water Consumption for Passenger in Railway Station, 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 2019년 추계, 제주 휘닉스, 2019김선혜
◾ 재배시설용 공기열 히트펌프 보일러의 경제성 분석, 주식회사 전국냉난방연합, 2020.01.~2020.04.김선혜
◾ Measurement and Verification of Integrated Ground Source Heat Pumps on a Shared Ground Loop, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.김선혜
◾ 수치해석 기반 기존 학교 유형별 공기환경 종합진단시스템 개발, 한국연구재단, 2019.08.~2023.12.김선혜
◾ Measurement and Verification for Energy Retrofit of an Aged Office Building- Lessons Learned and Suggestions from a Perspective of Facility Manager, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.김선혜
◾ 연기감지기 최적 배치를 위한 베이지안 네트워크 기반 확률론적 연기 분포 네트워크 모델, 우수발표논문상, 대한설비공학회, 2022김선혜
◾ 설계단계별 기계설비 BIM 설계 프로세스 및 모델링 상세기준 제안, 제32회 과학기술우수논문상, 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 2022김선혜
◾ BAS 2.0: 중규모 기축 건물을 위한 BEMS, 우수발표논문상, 대한설비공학회, 2022김선혜
◾ 교실 공기환경 시뮬레이션 모델의 베이스라인 구축, 우수발표논문상, SAREK, 2021김선혜
◾ 단열재 종류 및 방습체 유무에 따른 벽체 습열 성능 및 곰팡이 성장 위험성 분석, 우수발표논문상, 대한설비공학회, 2020김선혜
Architectural Institute of Korea, Memeber (2013-current)
The. Society. of. Air-Conditioning. and. Refrigerating. Engineers. Korea, Member (2014-current)
Korea Institute of Ecological Architecture and Environment, Editorial Board (2014-current)
Architectural Engineering Program, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
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